Helena Arroyo
Montreal | Montréal
Conseillère en environnement
Implication au sein du réseau: Membre
Secteur principal: Éducation relative à l'environnement
Secteur(s) Secondaire(s): Adaptation aux changements climatiques, Biodiversité, Gestion des matières résiduelles
Service(s): Conférences, Formations, Services-conseils
Since I finished University in 2003, I had a dream to work in International Cooperation, and finally, in 2015 I started. I had four mandates with CECI: Haiti last year, La Paz, Bolivia after a year in Thies, Senegal, and another one in beautiful Lake Atitlan, in Guatemala.
Most of my adult life, I lived and worked in Montreal, Canada and before that I was in Cordoba, Argentina.
Passionate about protecting and studying nature, I worked in Environmental Education for 10 years in Quebec before starting as a volunteer for CECI.
Presently I work as a recruitement agent for CECI in Montreal.